Jackpot, the safest and most lucrative token to Ape into NOW!

1000X Gem Hunter
6 min readMay 22, 2021

By now most of you have heard about HEX. Some of you think it is a scam, some of you are part of the HEX cult, but one thing is for sure, if you bought into HEX in the beginning you have 1000X on your funds which means if you put 1000 bucks in the first week and held you have over 1,000,000 bucks now. And if you staked you would have 2,000,000 bucks now from just putting 1 stack into their decentralized system early on. HEX made Uniswap popular. HEX succeeded in bear and bull market’s, and according to https://nomics.com/ $HEX is the 9th largest crypto in the world. Even the haters at coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hex/ show HEX with over an 8.3 Billion dollar market cap. Wouldn’t want to go back in time and buy something that has a chart like HEX?

Well there is a new token, that did not launch with any hype or marketing. This token is not a fork, but it has some similar mechanics to HEX. The main difference is that when you bought HEX, just like almost all token offerings, the ETH or BNB you bought it with go into the smart contract and that is the end of it you don’t get your funds back until you sell your tokens.

With Jackpot tokens, 95% of the funds that go into the smart contract go back to stakers and lottery winners. The smart contract has been audited, and has run flawlessly with 100% uptime and is going into it’s third week. It has been so successful early adopters are keeping it a secret and accumulating instead of promoting it. The TG still has under 200 people.

So why should you ape in? Well the people who got in the first few days and did long stakes have already 2 to 6X their ETH and BNB they put in (there are screenshots of this in the TG), in addition to retaining all their Jackpot tokens, which can be sold at a later date on DEX or PCS, or restaked to earn more ETH and BNB.

These tokens will also be usable in the gaming world, VR, and digital product world giving them use cases and another market where the tokens are targeted by the use case partners to be worth 1 USD each.

The reason you should ape in now is Jackpot has just released Chimponzinomics. After Apes Aped too hard in day two of the Binance side of the project, and after the ETH apes got hit with ridiculous gas fees during the $SHIB fiasco, some users of Jackpot ended up paying nearly 90% more for tokens than other users. This is normal in crypto, but not with the advent of Chimponzinomics. Each day we will produce a guide, that will tell you how much should be placed in the auction in order to get the same or better price as the last 10 day average. Over time the target will be lifted slightly. What this means is the people who bought in early will get great dividends and token appreciation, and so will the people to that bought in later.

With a market cap under 300k, Jackpot has 100,000X to go to reach HEX status, the king of Certificate of Deposit crypto projects. But remember, Jackpot pays users 95% of the funds deposited into the system back, from the audited smart contract, that has been working flawlessly for weeks, and you can scroll the telegram and see videos of users winning and collecting thousands of dollars of bonus lottery prizes. Plus if you check out the people in the telegram, you might be surprised to see a couple whales you recognize in there.

This project is at the very beginning, and Chimponzinomics is designed such that there is no bag holder. When the token is valued at 50 cents to a dollar each, Jackpot owners will be able to sell their tokens in a separate market to use case partners, on UNI or PCS and eventually CEX, or use the tokens for gaming and digital goods as previously mentioned into markets that exceed 200 Billion dollars currently.

So how do you ape in to Jackpot? You can self-refer, if you are into that kind of thing (ref links are near the bottom of the STAKING page). Jackpot works flawlessly within the Metamask mobile app and desktop/laptop wallet, simply go to:

https://ethjackpot.finance/auction to purchase with ETH
https://bnbjackpot.finance/auction to purchase with BNB

Press enter at the bottom right and put your purchase amount. At 0100 UTC 9PM EST you will be able to stake your tokens and earn your ETH and BNB back, as well as enter to get a free lottery ticket which gives you 2.5–5% of the daily funds placed into auction. This prize is given automatically via the smart contract.

2.5 Million pre-sale tokens are minted on day one, and everyday, the auction has fewer tokens available until there are until 1 Million tokens in the final auction.

There is space for only 5.2 ETH in today’s pre-sale auction, and 14.89 BNB worth of space in that auction. This is because on day two of the project the auction received 47 BNB and we had to help people understand how this project works and not to ape in so hard in the beginning.

If you have any doubt that this pre-sale technique is effective, both $HEX and $EOS used it, and they are both around 9 Billion in market cap. Jackpot is currently sitting at a tiny 300K market cap, and has combination of unique and distinct features other projects do not have. This is a golden opportunity to participate in a chimponzinomics and not get left holding the bag, which happens so many times with other projects.

So come on in, get tokens that are going to appreciate like crazy. Jackpot uses a similar share price mechanic with HEX which raised their share price 2300X (read our WP to understand this fully), AND during the Jackpot pre-sale you get paid back in ETH and BNB while we gear up for UNI and PCS listings.

If you see more than 5.2 ETH in the JETH pre-sale auction, come back the next day and see if you can get a better entry. Anything below that is a great deal.

If you see more than 14.89 BNB in the JBNB pre-sale auction, come back the next day otherwise you will be paying a higher than average price.

Stake your tokens if you want to, and then share your ref link with your friends to get each of you 10% more in the auction. If we all do this right we will continue raising the auction volume daily, so that everyone involved wins, the divs continue to be 2 to 5x a week on long stakes. Ape into something that pays you back and appreciates at the same time instead of wasting your funds on pump and dumps.




1000X Gem Hunter

specialize in turning thousands into millions in 24 months or less